# This file defines the variables describing all Debian repositories # that need to be fetched in the "update-packages" process define get_config = $(shell jq -r $(1) 'data/config.json') endef MAIN_RELEASES = $(call get_config, '.distributions | to_entries[] | select(.value.release) | .key') SECURITY_RELEASES = $(filter-out sid, $(MAIN_RELEASES)) BACKPORT_RELEASES = $(SECURITY_RELEASES) # Define the variables for the release on the main mirror define add_main_release = $(1)_MIRROR = $$(MIRROR) $(1)_DIST = $(1) $(1)_ARCHS = $(call get_config, '.distributions.$(1).architectures[]') $(1)_RELEASE = $(1) $(1)_SUBRELEASE = RELEASES += $(1) endef $(foreach release,$(MAIN_RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_main_release,$(release)))) # Define the variables for the releases on security.debian.org # https://lists.debian.org/debian-security/2019/06/msg00015.html # $(1)_security_DIST contains special casing for releases starting # with bullseye releases. After all of jessie, stretch and buster # are not anymore supported the case can be removed. define add_security_release = $(1)_security_MIRROR = $$(SECURITY_MIRROR) ifneq (,$(filter jessie stretch buster,$(1))) $(1)_security_DIST = $(1)/updates else $(1)_security_DIST = $(1)-security endif $(1)_security_ARCHS = $$($(1)_ARCHS) $(1)_security_RELEASE = $(1) $(1)_security_SUBRELEASE = security RELEASES += $(1)_security endef $(foreach release,$(SECURITY_RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_security_release,$(release)))) # Define the variables for the *-backports releases define add_backport_release = $(1)_backports_MIRROR = $$(MIRROR) $(1)_backports_DIST = $(1)-backports $(1)_backports_ARCHS = $$($(1)_ARCHS) $(1)_backports_RELEASE = $(1)-backports $(1)_backports_SUBRELEASE = RELEASES += $(1)_backports endef $(foreach release,$(BACKPORT_RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_backport_release,$(release))))