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Security team documentation --------------------------- This is more a TODO list than an index. For now. Please, feel free to [contribute with this document](https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/tree/master/doc/security-team.d.o). * [Organization](organization.html) - How to contribute with the security team * [How to interact with the security team](contact.html) - As a vulnerability reporter - public issues - private issues (embargo) - As a package maintainer - DSA vulnerability - SPU vulnerability - Just unstable - As an upstream? (embargo issues? backporting patches?) * [Internal tasks tasks](tasks.html) - [DSA release](dsa_release.html) * [How to interact with the Security Tracker](security_tracker.html) - How to contribute to the security tracker code * [Triage "low severity" issues](triage.html) * [Troubleshooting tips](tips.html) * [Glossary](glossary.html)