#!/usr/bin/perl # # Compare the Debian list of CVEs with the NVD list of CVEs using CPE # ids, to see if the set of affected packages match. use warnings; use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw(%opts $debug %cpealiases %cpemap %cperevmap %cvemap %reportedmissing); $| = 1; getopts('d', \%opts); $debug = exists $opts{'d'} ? 1 : 0; cpe_load_aliases("data/CPE/aliases"); cpe_load_list("data/CPE/list"); open (my $fh, "<", "data/CVE/list") || die; my $cve; while (<$fh>) { chomp; $cve = $1 if (m/^(CVE-\S+)\s*/); s/^(\s+)\[\S+\] /$1/; # Trim away distribution name if ( m/^\s+- (\S+)\S*/ # && ! m// ) { my $srcpkg = $1; unless (exists $cpemap{$srcpkg}) { my $cpe = "missing-cpe-for-$srcpkg";; cpe_map_debiansrc($cpe, $srcpkg); } if (exists $cvemap{$cve}) { push(@{$cvemap{$cve}}, $srcpkg); } else { $cvemap{$cve} = [$srcpkg]; } } } close $fh; # # Fetched from https://nvd.nist.gov/download.aspx # for my $year (reverse 2002 .. (gmtime())[5]+1900) { my $cvelist = "nvdcve-2.0-$year.xml"; print STDERR "Loading $cvelist\n" if $debug; my $ref = XMLin("data/nvd2/" . $cvelist); for my $cve (sort {$b cmp $a} keys %{$ref->{entry}}) { print STDERR "Checking $cve\n" if $debug; my $entry = $ref->{entry}->{$cve}; my %info; my @debiancpe = get_debian_cpe($cve); for my $cpe (@debiancpe) { $info{cpe_expand_product_alias($cpe)} = 1; } my @products; if (exists $entry->{'vuln:vulnerable-software-list'}->{'vuln:product'}) { if ("ARRAY" eq ref $entry->{'vuln:vulnerable-software-list'}->{'vuln:product'}) { @products = @{$entry->{'vuln:vulnerable-software-list'}->{'vuln:product'}}; } else { @products = ($entry->{'vuln:vulnerable-software-list'}->{'vuln:product'}); } } unless (1 || @products) { print STDERR Dumper($entry); } for my $cpe (@products) { if (exists $info{cpe_expand_product_alias(cpe_product($cpe))}) { $info{cpe_expand_product_alias(cpe_product($cpe))} += 2; } else { $info{cpe_expand_product_alias(cpe_product($cpe))} = 2; } } for my $cpe (sort keys %info) { if (1 == $info{$cpe}) { my %shortlist; map { $shortlist{cpe_product($_)} = 1 } @products; my $cpelist = join(", ", keys %shortlist); print STDERR "warning: $cve in Debian refer to $cpe, while NVD do not (found $cpelist).\n" } elsif (2 == $info{$cpe}) { if (exists $cperevmap{$cpe}) { print STDERR "warning: $cve in NVD is not referring to $cpe found in Debian.\n" } } elsif (3 == $info{$cpe}) { } } } print STDERR "Done loading $cvelist\n" if $debug; } for my $missing (sort { $reportedmissing{$a} <=> $reportedmissing{$b} } keys %reportedmissing) { my $count = $reportedmissing{$missing}; print STDERR "error: missing CPE ID for $missing ($count)\n"; } sub get_debian_cpe { my ($cve) = shift; my %cpe; for my $binpkg (@{$cvemap{$cve}}) { if (exists $cpemap{$binpkg}) { $cpe{$cpemap{$binpkg}} = 1; } else { $reportedmissing{$binpkg} = exists $reportedmissing{$binpkg} ? $reportedmissing{$binpkg} + 1 : 1; } } return sort keys %cpe; } sub cpe_product { my $cpe = shift; return join(":", (split(/:/, $cpe))[0..3]); } sub cpe_map_debiansrc { my ($cpe, $srcpkg) = @_; if ($cpe) { $cpemap{$srcpkg} = $cpe; $cperevmap{$cpe} = $srcpkg; } } sub cpe_load_list { my $filename = shift; open(my $fh, "<", $filename) || die "unable to load CPE list from $filename"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; s/#.*$//; # Remove comments my ($srcpkg, $cpe) = split(/;/); $cpe = cpe_expand_product_alias($cpe); cpe_map_debiansrc($cpe, $srcpkg); } close $fh; } sub cpe_load_aliases { my $filename = shift; open (my $fh, "<", $filename) || die; my $lastcpe = ""; while (<$fh>) { chomp; s/#.*$//; # Remove comments unless ($_) { $lastcpe = ""; next; } if ($lastcpe) { $cpealiases{$_} = $lastcpe; } else { $cpealiases{$_} = $_; $lastcpe = $_; } } close ($fh); } sub cpe_expand_product_alias { my $cpe = shift; my $retval = $cpe; if (defined $cpe && exists $cpealiases{$cpe}) { $retval = $cpealiases{$cpe}; } return $retval; }